Fishing Reports
Lake fishing reports, Fishing information, Bait, Lake Conditions, water temperature.
caught by David Shillings 4/9/06 on watts bar lake
Click Here For TWRA Fishing Report
Good fishing from Wattsbarinfo.com
When is the best time to fish Watts Bar Lake?
There is never a bad time to fish anywhere. Juat times when the fish bite better. For Watts Bar Lake the best time to fish is as follows
Largemouth Bass - April through June in day. July through August at night.
Smallmouth Bass - October through December.
Bluegill (bream) - Summer. Willowfly - July.
Crappie - Spring and fall.
Catfish - June, July, August. June while spawning.
White Bass - August, September.
Striped bass (rockfish) - October, November, Moon Island. Thief Neck Island and below dam in spring and fall.
Sauger - Below dam November through February.
Good fishing from Wattsbarlakeinfo.com